The Actor's Friend
The actor's friend sprouted from several little seeds that were planted
by friends.
I am an actress and teacher, by nature and nurture. I am a friend.
Actors, you've got a friend in me.
I started blogging about my experiences as a working and auditioning actor in New York,
warts and all. People were reading. Friends were asking for help, advice.
Actors need tools, not just talent.
Learn how to make SMARTER ONLINE SUBMISSIONS and get in the room. How to build better relationships with Casting Directors and Set your best foot forward in auditions.
Actors talk to each other. We are a community.
I have never viewed it as a competition. Of course we vie for parts but we are either right, or not, and so much is out of our control. Let's stop being jealous. Let's stop competing. My ACCOUNTABILITY GROUPS - provide support, encouragement and that push when you need it.
I also provide Private Audition Coaching to help you with anything from nerves, dealing with "the room" and finding new insights into the material.
We are there to help each other and I want to help you. Come and learn from my many, many mistakes! Come and be motivated. Come and laugh.
Learn from someone walking in your footsteps every day.
Your friend,